Family Sensitive, where healthy families are born
Raising kids the natural way
¿Are you aware of the highly sensitive trait in any of your kids or yourself? Download the TEST here:
You will find support and kinship to raise a more resilient, thriving and connected family.
Join this community of like minded parents that are embarking on a journey towards a better understanding of our children and ourselves, while we create, without guilt or reservations, the life, relationships, and families we've always dreamed of.
Receive our bi-monthly letter
Every month I write a letter to connect, to feel together, and to remember that we're not alone. If you'd like to receive it, drop me your email:
Hi we're Gaby & Koru,
As a highly sensitive family, avid independent researchers, and partners on the journey of conscious co-parenting, we offer our learnings and experience along with our passion for living life freely to empower more families to be truly themselves and discover their most authentic version.
We are the founders of Family Sensitive LLC (which integrates different lines of work involving human and non-human animals) and creators of the educational model "The F.E.R.N. Model" (Fractal Education to Reconnect with Nature)®. All our courses, workshops, programs, and mentorships will help you free your mind and connect it with your body, heart, and spirit to reveal your true self, your most authentic version, so that you can guide your children in the best way possible, without hindering their development, dimming their shine, or crushing their soul.
If you want free children, if you want free people... this is your place.
One on One sessions
A journey to the parenthood you want
In this sessions we will help you change the power dynamics in the relationship with your highly sensitive, neurodivergent, stronged-willed and spirited children so that raising them starts to feel more like a blessing and way less like a struggle.
What the community says about working with us
Gaby me ayudó a comprender porqué siempre me había sentido tan diferente. Gracias a sus cursos puedo decir que mi vida y la de mis hijas ha mejorado muchísimo.
Un parteaguas en mi vida el haber aprendido tanto con Gaby sobre la alta sensibilidad y sobre mi sombra durante el posparto. Se los recomiendo mucho.
Mis sesiones con Gaby me han ayudado enormemente a resolver los problemas con mi hijo. Los berrinches han disminuido mucho y ahora ya no colapso junto con él. Eternamente agradecida.
Gracias Gaby por tanto. Desde que encontré tu cuenta en Instagram sentí que no estaba sola y que no lo estaba haciendo mal. Nunca me había sentido validada y gracias a ti hoy entiendo que soy diferente a la mayoría.
Graciela juárez